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WFT! | Workflow Tools - VRChat Avatar Creation Tools

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WFT! | Workflow Tools - VRChat Avatar Creation Tools

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Workflow Tools (WFT) are a set of 11 tools for VRChat avatar creation that will help you speed up your workflow. They're free to use and download, and they are intended for users who have some previous knowledge of avatar creation. These tools are not meant to replace the workflow, but to enhance it and make it more efficient.

Note: I mostly made this because the repetitive stuff in the process frustrated me, and decided to distribute it because it might help others with the same issues. It's far from the most polished, and made to work with my specific workflow. I don't guarantee stuff will always work as intended. Backup your project if you care about it!

If these tools help you save time, consider donating by adding a number in the price slot, or check out my avatars in my profile!

Detailed documentation for everything included can be found here:

+ Menu Editor

- All the functionality of the regular menu editing plus:

- Drag and drop menu controls to change their positions

- Copy and paste (works between menus)

- Drop images on top of the controls to change the icons

+ Parameter Editor

- All the functionality of the regular parameter editing plus:

- Search and replace

- Drag and drop parameters to change their order

- Edit playable layers parameters (FX, Gesture, Base, etc.)

- Global parameters: add parameters to expression / controllers at the same time (e.g., expressions plus FX)

+ Toggle Creator

- Select an object inside the avatar's hierarchy, and a menu and make a toggle automatically

- The toggle's and parameter's name, the icon, and saved and default state can be customized

- If you already have an animation, it can be used instead (for example, having a blendshape transition from 0 to 100 with a toggle). "Slow Mode" will make it so the transition isn't instantaneous and you set the duration instead

- Can toggle multiple objects at once

+ Image Creator

- Quickly make icons, thumbnails or screenshots directly from the editor

- Works in edit and play mode

- You can adjust the size, fov, and background

- Use the scene view or an existing camera for the position

- Has the option to capture only the selected items

+ Blendshape Animation Creator

- Creates an animation with the selected blendshapes

- Multiple meshes and blendshapes can be selected

- The keyframes can be added directly to an existing animation

+ Material Editor

- Finds all the materials in an avatar and displays them on a list

- Material conversion: makes a copy of the avatar and all it's materials, then changes the copy's materials to a selected shader

- It's intended to be used to make avatars quest or VRM compatible with one click

+ Anchor Override Editor

- Simple tool, similar to the material editor but for anchor overrides

+ Bounds Editor

- Similar to the anchor override editor, but for bounds

+ Bone Selector

- Shows a stickman with buttons for most of the humanoid bones

- When the buttons are clicked the selected bone is pinged in the hierarchy

- Useful for finding objects parented to bones in the hierarchy, without having to unfold a giant list one by one

+ Hue Shift Creator

- Similar to toggle creator, but for hue shifts

- Intended to be used with Poiyomi

- Only sets up the parameter, layer, and menu control. The material needs to be set up manually (have hue shift enabled and unlocked for animations)

+ Initial Setup

- Receives an FBX model, and shows options of steps that have to be taken to make it an avatar

- Changes rig to humanoid, instantiates it, adds avatar descriptor, changes blendshape normals

+ VRM Blendshape Editor

This tool is special. It’s not for making a VRChat avatar, but a VRM one, and should only be imported if the UniVRM package is also imported (currently, it only works with older versions. 1.0 changes some stuff in the code. This is the version you should use:

- Checks if all ARKit blendshapes are present in the model

- Useful when making them, to make sure you didn't accidentally skip or mistyped any (has happened to me every time)

- Automatically creates blendshapes clips for all ARKit blendshapes

- Can set up visemes and expressions clips as well

- Tries to find a blendshape with the default name, skips them if they don't exist

- The blendshapes can be manually mapped

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